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Creating an account​

If you want to create such entities, it's as simple as

Live Editor

If you want more control over the resulting account, you can give it some constructor args such as:

export type AccountFeatures = {
keyType?: KeyType;
key?: Key;
receiverSignatureRequired?: boolean;
proxyAccountId?: AccountId;
autoRenewPeriod?: number | Long.Long | Duration;
accountMemo?: string;
maxAutomaticTokenAssociations?: number | Long.Long;

Be default, if you don't specify it a key / keyType, it defaults to generating a private ED25519 PrivateKey. Here is how you would create an ECDSA one:

Live Editor

Using it​

Upon success, the returned liveAccount will be an instance of LiveAccountWithPrivateKey which is a special type of LiveAccount that also allows for manual transaction signing via the tryToSign. This is helpful, for instance, in multi-sign scenarios.

Since it's a LiveEntity type (which implements the SolidityAddressable interface) , it can also be passed as arguments to LiveContract methods where addresses are required. In this case, it will resolve to using the


Of course, this also means that you can delete it via the LiveAccount.deleteEntity({ transferAccountId?: AccountId }). When deleting, you are given the option of providing a transferAccountId recipient of the remaining account hbar value. If none provided, the operation will default using the ApiSession's wallet account id.


Once deleted, certain operations such as getBalanceOfLiveEntity and, in general, all network-related actions, are no longer available.


On the other hand, if you want to update elements of your account, you can do a LiveEntity.updateEntity(AccountFeatures). The updated properties follows the same object schema definition as when creating an Account, namely, the AccountFeatures type defined above.